We will explain briefly what factors are important for the quality of wine before the grape gets inside the winery.
Cooler climate and more atlantic, wines are higher in acidity but lower in sugar and alcohol. They are more aromatic.
Hotter climates, like mediterranean type have more alcohol and are less aromatic.
There are many other factors like closeness to the sea, lakes or rivers, altitude, orientation of vineyards,, rainfall, how quickly wine grapes grow, temperature, sunlight, soil.
As you can see, a real puzzle.
Cultivating techniques like vineyards in globet or espalier(trellis system) , kind of soil, drip irrigation , products used, quantity or quality philosophy , collect grapes in boxes or not, how long it will take to get the grapes into the winery, optimal vintage moment….
It´s a job that goes from winter pruning untill vintage.
A beautiful work that takes time every year, but never in the same way.
When the grapes get to the winery the oenologist will start to work and try to get the best wine every year
The oenologist is the “cooker” and he will need the best raw material to get the best results.
It is important to know that wine is a natural product, that accompany mankind since ancient times, it´s a part of our culture, and the Bobal variety is as ancient as Mediterranean civilization. Something to be proud of.
When we smell a perfume it evocates happy times. Usually we
associate aromas with nice moments.
We are used to see and hear but not to taste and smell things.
First of all forget about complicated descriptions and think that wine is not an abstract portrait.
Wine is a natural complex beverage, a miracle of nature. It´s just a matter of enjoying it as much as posible.
The most important organ for tasting wine is the sense of smell.
How to do tasting?
Like everything else, it requires training. Try to follow a method and use more or less the same words to describe sensations and divide tasting into three parts:
It looks clear without defaults
What color: purple>ruby>garnet>tawny>Brown
Intensity: light-medium-pronounced
What kind of scent:
– Primary scent( from grapes & fermentation)
– Flowers:Rose, violet, geranium.
– Red fruit: Strawberry, raspberry, red cherry.
– Black fruit: black cherry, cassis, blackberry.
– Dried fruit: mermelade, preserve fruits.
– Herbaceous: black currant, grass.
– Spice: black pepper, juniper.
Those are scent of young wines with small contact with wood or without any contact at all.
Secondary scent ( wines in longer contact with wood)
– Autolytic: Yeast, biscuit, bread, pastry.
– F.m.l.: butter, cheese.
– Oak: Vainilla, spice clove, wood, smoke, chocolate.
Tertiary Scent
Fruit that becomes fig, prune, raisin.
After staying in bottle: leather, game, tobacco, soil.
Acidity: low-medium-high
Tannin: low-medium-high
Body: Low-medium-high
Finish: Short-medium-long
So we can say after all this that wine is: poor, aceptable, good, very good, outstanding.
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